Home Inspection Tips
When buying a new home, a home inspection is a very important part of the process. The home inspection will help you understand the home's condition at the time of the inspection. This could possibly help you avoid costly repairs prior to making the purchase. Code Blue Home Inspections will perform a complete home inspection according to the TREC standards and will always far and exceed those standards.

Why a Home Inspection is Important?
A home inspection is an essential step in finding the right home, and any buyer should take it seriously. Let's say you’ve found the perfect home. You’ve even negotiated with the seller and you agree on the price. Now it’s time for the home inspection. But where do you start? What are the best practices for a home inspection? The most important thing to remember is that a home inspection is an essential part of the home-buying process that you cannot afford to ignore.
How to Save $10,000s on Your Home Buying Decision
Buying a home is an exciting decision. Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or not, the entire process can be confusing. There are so many expenses that are not just related to the purchase price of the home. An average home inspection costs hundreds of dollars, usually depending on the size of the home and any other services you select, but it can save you thousands of dollars in repairs. Our detailed home inspection report can identify potential problems or deficiencies with the home. A complete home inspection is the best way to make sure you are prepared to make the right decisions on the home you want.
Buy A Home With Confidence

Home inspections are not a requirement in most real estate transactions. But that should not be a reason you decide not to have one done. The inspection is intended to identify any defects in the physical structure, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, roof covering, walls, and ceilings of the home. The inspection is not a guarantee that a defect will not occur in your home, but it does provide a baseline for the condition of the home at the time of inspection. The home inspection can identify issues that can be addressed by the builder or seller before closing or that can be discovered and repaired by the buyer after closing. At Code Blue Home Inspections we Work for you and only you. We offer an independent 3rd party evaluation for you without any influence from anyone else. Each home is inspected by Code Blue Home Inspections as if our own families are going to move in that house. Make Code Blue Home Inspections you clear FIRST choice when choosing a home inspector.

11-Month Builder Warranty
Finding the Best 11th Month Builder Home Warranty Inspection Services
Builder home warranties typically are offered to new home purchases by the builder. This is great for the home buyer, but what happens when that warranty expires. The owner is now completely responsible for home repairs and expenses. ible way to enhance your new home buying decision. But how do you find a reputable company? Easy, call Code Blue Home Inspections. Our company is able to perform 11th-month builder home warranty home inspections in San Antonio and the surrounding areas. You can trust that our company will provide you with a thorough, accurate inspection. In addition to home inspections, our company also offers Septic Inspections, Sewer Line Camera Inspections, WDI/ Termite Inspections, Phase 1 (Pre-Pour), Phase 2 (Pre Drywall) Inspections, Pool/Spa, Sprinkler, and Foundation Elevation Survey. Contact us today at 210-213-2537 to schedule your home inspection or your 11th-month builder home warranty inspection.