If you are buying or selling a home in San Antonio or the surrounding areas, you should have a WDI Inspection performed by Code Blue Home Inspections. If the loan you seek is a VA Loan, a WDI Inspection is required. FHA or Conventional loans may not require the WDI Inspection, but we highly recommended getting a WDI Inspection any time you are buying a home. The low price of a WDI Inspection is affordable as to compared to the cost of a home inspection, but package pricing is available to make this addon service more valuable to our clients.
Nathan Cartwright
Professional Home Inspector
TREC Lic #24069
TDA #0848417
Ph: 210-213-2537
After your property has been inspected, you will be emailed a Texas Department of Agriculture WDI inspection report. The report may have recommendations on what to do if wood destroying insect activity is observed. Some lenders might require the correction of any issues noted in the report that might make the property vulnerable to wood destroying insects. Other lenders may require termite treatment if an active infestation is observed.
The Texas Official Wood Destroying Insect Report is delivered with the inspection report within 24 hrs. and includes the scope of the inspection, the address of the property, any inaccessible areas, identification of conditions conducive to wood destroying insects, and description of any evidence of an active or previous infestation or evidence of a previous treatments for an infestation. A Texas Official WDI Report is not a structural damage report. Even though our inspection is thorough, it is not a guarantee of the absence of wood-destroying insects.
Starting at $100.00 + Tax
Package Pricing Available
*Prices are based on but not limited to square footage